Getting Started

You need to do 2 things: provide data (that will be presented), and setup what and how should be presented.

If you want to check out list of public widgets and data providers you should definitly look at this awesome list.

Let’s say that you have Jenkins up and running at URL You want to have one dashboard that will show last build status of given jobs.

We will start installing Dashbi:

npm install --save dashbi

Now we need to create a new Dashbi Instance:

'use strict';

const Dashbi = require('dashbi');

const dashboard = new Dashbi();

Next step is creating a new Layout:

const firstBoard = dashboard.createLayout({
  name: 'first-board',
  title: 'First Board',
  description: 'My first board that show things',
  icon: 'info'

Out layout is empty. We need to add a Widgets there. But we don’t have any data yet! Let’s install jenkins-build Data Provider:

npm install --save dashbi-data-provider-jenkins-build

Dashbi will automatically detect this data provider and register it, but keep in mind that if you are creating custom data provider (or widget) then you need to register it manually. But let’s go back to main topic.

Ok, we have a data provider. Now let’s install jenkins-build-status widget, that will present data from jenkins-build data provider.

npm install --save dashbi-widget-jenkins-build-status

In the same way as Dashbi detected the data-provider, it will detect installed widget too.

Let’s add those widgets to the layout.

  name: 'jenkins-build-status', // name of widget
  title: 'My Job Status',

  source: {
    name: 'jenkins-build', // name of data provider
    params: {
      jenkinsUrl: '',
      jobPath: 'job/my-job'

If you want to check second job status then just add one more widget:

  name: 'jenkins-build-status',
  title: 'My 2nd Job Status',

  source: {
    name: 'jenkins-build',
    params: {
      jenkinsUrl: '',
      jobPath: 'job/my-2nd-job'

Now we need only to tell Dashbi to start:


Run your script and open http://localhost:8800.